Boston Strong? More Like Boston Tip Strong! Pizza Guy versus Used Car Lot

This hit planet Earth this week:

A story about a bunch of used car sales lot employees acting like jerks toward a pizza delivery guy. Next, on Fucking Obvious News, the sky is blue!

Hey’s nice to see white and black people working together! Even if it is working together to be assholes!

Boston Tip Strong – Never Forget. 1.14.15  $42 and some change. Numbers that forever will change the life of some people I never met. I haven’t seen a pizza get this much attention since Walter White threw his on his roof.

embedding the video is not working at the moment, but here’s the link:

a video of people being people about pizza and tips

Here’s a ‘tip’ – if you are working in a profession where you rate just above child molestors, try not acting like a jerk.

Also, commonly known to most people is don’t fuck with people who make your food. I’m sure used car sales ‘workers’ know this, even the trash in this video.