Two ‘Bergs – Dennis Wolfberg and Mitch Hedberg….legends.

Two of the absolute best and original comics are Mitch Hedberg and Dennis Wolfberg. Both are no longer, but their acts are timeless, material made so much stronger by their delivery. Mitch gets more attention from fans and comics as he passed away more recently, but both deserve to be recognized for years and years (and yes it’s a coincidence that my last name ends in ‘berg too! that’s the only thing I have in common with these legends).

Mitch Hedberg – great material, and one-of-a-kind delivery. Here’s the first part of his Comedy Central special.

Dennis Wolfberg: this bit is on childbirth, marriage. For more, search There’s not a whole lot out there, but it’s worth watching.

Dennis Wolfberg – an absolute original comic.

Here’s a clip of another favorite – Dennis Wolfberg, who passed away in 1994. Before I ever dreamed of doing stand-up comedy, this guy was in the back of my mind as one of THE ones to emulate – in terms of writing jokes that are personal, clean, and hilarious. Mr. Wolfberg also gained cult status on the show “Quantum Leap” playing the character Gooshie, as well as performing at Comic Relief. This clip features a hilarious bit about his teaching experience with imbeciles, morons, and idiots!